Winter Showdown Championships
The time is now upon us!
Just like in the lore in the world of Balista, every year we celebrate the game in a tournament to crown a Grand Fusionist. This event will be one of many milestones for Legends of Fusion TCG as we bestow the title of of Grand Fusionist to the winner of our First World Invitational Championship Fusionist Cup!
In order to qualify for this event, you must have one of the following:
At least 100 Evo Points
An Event ticket from a Sanctioned Legends of Fusion TCG event
Top 3 finish at a Sanctioned Legends of Fusion TCG event
*A Legends of Fusion deck that follows the card quantity rules
The sets that are permitted for this event will be:
Prodigy Fusionist Twilight Path Fated Treasure
Infinite Galaxy Champion Reign Celestial Dragons
*Card quantity rules are as follows:
-70 card deck
-10 Unique cards max
-5 copies of any card (Fusionist are 1 copy allowed. Element cards are unlimited)
-1 Copy of Turn Skip is allowed in the deck for this event.
This event will have a total for 4 45-minute Swiss Rounds and the top performers will go onto the Single Elimination round.
Points will be awarded for each match. The scoring goes as such:
Deck out =2 points
Fusionist Knock out =3 points
Petrify Deck =5 points
Void out = 5 points
Game win =10 points
The Master Judge will determine any rulings based on game flow and penalties.
Prizes for this event will be as follows:
1st Place-
*100 Evo Points
*A voucher for 1 free booster box of Legends of Fusion TCG
*An interview for the Legends of Fusion YouTube Channel
*A T-shirt
*Deck list featured on the the Legends of Fusion website
*A Legends of Fusion Trophy
2nd Place-
*50 Evo Points
*A voucher for a Battle Box for Legends of Fusion TCG
*Deck list featured on the the Legends of Fusion website
3rd and 4th Place-
*20 Evo Points
The entry fee for this event will be Free. Participants of the tournament will receive and exclusive product of Legends of Fusion TCG, a complimentary goodie bag, and additional damage trackers.
The cutoff date for entry will be on August 20th, 2022 by 11:30 am EST. Points will go on sale next month after the player's login page is complete.
All players must register online to compete in this event. This can be done on the Contact Page. The Pre-Registration will start on 8/3/2022 on the event page and will end on 8/20/2022 at 12:00 AM EST. Tournament registration will be at 10:00 am EST.
The tournament format will be 4 rounds of SWISS, with advancement under the following conditions:
Top players over 7 Game match points- (Win =3 points, Tie=1 Point, Loss=0 points.)
Tiebreakers based on match points-
(Deck Petrify equals 5 points, Fusionist knockout is 3 points, Deck out is 2 points.)
Match rounds will last 45 minutes each with 4 Rounds.
Prizes are based on tournament turnout. Minimum Prizes payout will be as follows: (Lowest turnout. Prizes increase with more turnout along with more rewards.)
We are closely working with our vendor and venue partners to ensure the safety and fun for our events. We are committed to follow all guidelines during the pandemic and will inform you of any changes based on instruction of the professionals in their respected fields. Any and all updates will be posted on the News Page for organized play. Event may be delayed or postponed based on the updated info for COVID-19. All players must be tested for COVID-19 48 hours before the event or are fully vaccinated to play in this event.
Masks will be required in the tournament tables. They will be provided at the Registration Table.
The Fusion Festival is for players 12 and up. All sets currently out are legal for this event.
This is the first step in our path to keep you updated and informed on resuming play for Legends of Fusion TCG. Please continue to check for the latest updates.