Jojo's Invitational
9/26/2021 @ Jojo's Toys and More

Prizes will be :
1st Place:
-Ticket to the WICFC
-Framed Plaque
-Interview on LoF channel
-50 Fusionist Points
-Card featured in future set
-4 Booster Packs of Prodigy Fusionist
-Featured Deck List on Fusion Academy
-Picture on LoF Site
2nd Place:
-Framed Plaque
-25 Fusionist Points
-2 Booster Packs of Prodigy Fusionist
-Featured Deck List on Fusion Academy
-Picture on Site
Jojo's Invitational is underway. This limited event will be done on a first come, first serve basis for those who want to participate in the event. Tickets to enter this event are free. You must have a 70 card deck to compete in this tournament.
The Level Condition for this tournament is unrestricted, meaning that all cards from this set are able to be used. For deck building regulations, please refer to the rulebook or go into Rulings FAQ to download a copy of the the rules.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the details of the store location will be updated within the next week. Sign up today for updates on the Contact page and check the Event page for vendor information.
The tournament guidelines are being updated. For general event expectations, refer to the Conduct Standards and Tournament Rules for additional rulings.
Judges at these events are called Fusion Masters. Fusion Master have studied the game and have knowledge to handle a multitude of situations that may arise during play. Please reach out to them if an error occurs during play. To become a Fusion Master, sign up in the Contact page and you will be updated with the requirements to become a Fusion Master in your area to judge events. Organizers and host must also follow these guidelines to host events.
Each Fusion Master must have a copy of the Conduct Standards and Tournament Rules at all times. This is needed to pass the Fusionist Exam to become part of The Fusionist Guild. Once you have signed up and passed the exam, you will be given knowledge on future events and certified to run events in a store or location. Please refer to Conduct Standards for these guidelines. Our Fusionist Guild Policy must also be followed at all times.
If you want to register only for this event is first come first serve, contact us in the Contact Page for details. Hope to see you soon and more details to come!
The tournament date has been determined! Please go onto the Event Page to reserve your event ticket!
For more details, please visit here.